A modern approach to domain modeling using hypermedia as a state of application.
With the advent of the OLTP systems, changes made to the state of the application could be stored in a different manner, which would make analysis over data possible if carried in to OLAP systems. Database sharding, data replication, partial eventual consistency support in immediate consistent atomic databases, built-in multi-tenancy support features made OLTP solutions easier to integrate into big data applications, without too much hassle. Analytical systems care about the current - valid data, furthermore, they also care about its history in order to produce time-series analytics, which cares significance in management and execution of business.
Event sourcing methodology changes usage of persistence back-end found in OLTP subpart of the software solution. The following parts of this section will make a superficial view of the methodology.
Traditional approach
Assume that we need to build a software solution for a bank, barely making
transactions between its own accounts for the sake of simplicity.
Every user should have a balance, and they could withdraw/deposit some money.
A withdrawal operation would reflected to user’s balance as a negative change,
and a deposit operation would reflected to user’s balance as a positive
Henceforth, we could create a table for the users, users
like so:
id | name | balance | inserted_at |
1 | Hayden Panettiere | 24.72 USD | 2017-08-28 00:22:14.960193 |
2 | Megan Fox | 25.14 USD | 2017-08-28 00:23:14.123512 |
When Hayden wants to withdraw some bucks, we could do that with following query in PLpgSQL:
UPDATE "users"
SET "balance" = "balance" - ('20.00 USD')::money
WHERE "id" = 1 AND "balance" >= ('20.00 USD')::money;
That would decrement Hayden’s balance by 20.00 USD.
Similarly, deposit operation could be performed with a simple UPDATE
However, when it comes to transfer, following we need to perform a simple transaction. We would like to transfer some funds from Hayden to Megan.
affected_rows int DEFAULT 0;
BEGIN TRANSACTION "transfer-VEVJW9WrThixnQr9vmR274LgltOC5EQoh5CYq2";
UPDATE "users"
SET "balance" = "balance" - ('20.00 USD')::money
WHERE "id" = 1 AND "balance" >= ('20.00 USD')::money;
affected_rows := SQL%ROWCOUNT; -- Get number of affected rows
IF affected_rows = 1 THEN
UPDATE "users"
SET "balance" = "balance" + ('20.00 USD')::money
WHERE "id" = 2;
END TRANSACTION "transfer-VEVJW9WrThixnQr9vmR274LgltOC5EQoh5CYq2";
Of course, this is not an elegant solution. However, it shows a canonical way of doing it correctly.
Finally, we could get the current balance of Hayden with:
SELECT "balance"
FROM "users"
WHERE "id" = 1;
- Easy, straightforward implementation.
- Performant query.
- Change history is not stored.
- There would be no rollback action other than transaction-level rollback.
transaction isolation levels might be required in order to achieve true atomicity over concurrency (AoC).
The “Event Sourcing” approach
Traditional approach tries to store results of operations. In event sourcing approach, we will store events (or artifacts) instead of results. With a powerful query language, like PLpgSQL, we could calculate results of operations from those events. A normalization could be performed in order to create required tables.
id | name | inserted_at |
1 | Hayden Panettiere | 2017-08-28 00:22:14.960193 |
2 | Megan Fox | 2017-08-28 00:23:14.123512 |
id | user_id | delta | inserted_at |
1 | 1 | + 30.00 USD | 2017-08-28 01:22:14.960193 |
2 | 2 | + 20.00 USD | 2017-08-28 01:23:14.123512 |
2 | 2 | - 5.00 USD | 2017-08-28 01:24:14.123512 |
id | source_user_id | target_user_id | amount | inserted_at |
1 | 1 | 2 | + 2.50 USD | 2017-08-28 01:22:14.960193 |
Should start from simple one, getting current balance information of a user.
Again, using PLpgSQL
, we could calculate balance of Hayden using an
aggregate function.
SELECT sum("delta")
FROM "user_balance_changes"
WHERE "user_id" = 1;
GROUP BY "user_id"
) "balance_sum_aggregate", (
SELECT sum("amount")
FROM "user_transfers"
WHERE "source_user_id" = 1
GROUP BY "source_user_id"
) "incoming_transfers_sum_aggregate", (
SELECT sum("amount")
FROM "user_transfers"
WHERE "target_user_id" = 1
GROUP BY "target_user_id"
) "outgoing_transfers_sum_aggregate"
SELECT "user_balance_changes"."sum" + "incoming_transfers_sum_aggregate"."sum" - "outgoing_transfers_sum_aggregate"."sum";
Much more complicated.
Even though it seems like a SELECT
query, it was an implicit UNION
query built with PLpgSQL
A query with UNION
clauses would be semantically equal.
However, performing a money transfer between those two ladies would be
simpler than former approach.
INSERT INTO "user_transfers" ("source_user_id", "target_user_id", "amount")
VALUES (1, 2, '2.00 USD'::money);
Remembering that query with declaring a variable, beginning a read committed transaction and doing sequential updates, this is much more convenient. Hayden can also deposit some money to the bank:
INSERT INTO "user_balance_changes" ("user_id", "delta")
VALUES (1, '2.00 USD'::money);
Very elegant, niché solution.
- More data involved, open breath to analytics.
- Simple insertions.
- Similar to source control, makes available to cherry pick.
- Complicated read queries, makes database design read biased.
- Functions involving those queries might need dramatically large number of test cases.
Under the hood, we are converting our insertion overhead into a read overhead, making our database design read oriented. Having considered latest database technologies, those reads might sometimes does not necessarily need to be consistent between different users. Our example was not one of them, nevertheless, in social media applications, those types of data is endemic. Distinguishing several properties for your data, you may replicate that data with an eventual consistent data persistence solution.
Figure: Data persistence architecture of BuyBuddy designed by myself.
As you see, one of my architectures was using OLTP solutions with homebrew multi-tenancy, whereas it was using an OLAP cluster to process analytical queries to the master tenant. That architecture allowed horizontal scaling for web servers, as well as data persistence layers, and it does not limit further sharding and replication applications to the distinct nodes. As it is said, making insertion operations one-hit as possible has an adverse affect of making the database read oriented, using different scaling methods rescue us from long query times whereas protecting all available data, which can be cumulated by analytical processing engine.
The examples were indeed in canonical form, yet available to show the intended logic of the event sourcing. A real life use case would include proper use of database indexes (B-tree, hash, GiST, GreMAP etc.), vacuuming, perpetual trigger functions and window functions in order to down-scale query times, since performing a self join on unindexed column might be symbol of the death for the whole stack. Also, this is not a magic wand, on data types with high update rates like real-time systems, such as beacon presence back-ends, the updates should not be converted to insertions as that may create a redundancy in data storage. Considering time-series database solutions like Riak-TS could be a good replacement for event sourcing.